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UX Research blog by Ferpection UX for Good, certified B Corp company

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Web personalization, a key factor in site conversion

Notifications, recommended products, personalized offers...

Since companies started collecting our personal data, we've all become accustomed to receiving these kinds of messages when we visit a site. But are these practices really effective?

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Ferpection 2023 report

2023 ends on a high note with the joy of joining the B Corp community, it was nevertheless also an emotional and transformative year.

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UX in the Middle East

The digital market is evolving rapidly, socio-cultural norms are impacting user research
UX culture is emerging: welcome to the Middle East.

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Becoming a certified B Corp

Ferpection has become a certified B Corp, solidifying its commitment to high standards of social and environmental responsibility. This shift reflects a profound transformation, showcasing our determination to play a positive role in society while continuing our mission to enhance the digital experience for everyone.

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Digital can't save the world, a very personal account of the GreenTech Forum 2023

An eventful GreenTech Forum in 2023, with a new RGESN standard for digital services, the LCA method for overcoming the carbon factor, IT for Green and the ambition to change the way we think.

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What's the best way to build your digital roadmap?

To create a reliable digital roadmap, it must be based on scientifically proven data. There's only one way to extract this kind of data: UX research. We explain how in this article!

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Our 6 tips to improve the web accessibility of your site

Discover the 6 golden rules, from UX Design, UI Design and UX Writing, to make a website compliant with web accessibility standards.

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Why is digital accessibility an asset for your website?

Making your website compliant with digital accessibility rules is an ethical approach. But it can also be very profitable. Find out why!

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R.O.I.: do companies investing in UX perform better?

Do companies that invest in UX perform better? The answer with the results of our study dedicated to the R.O.I. of User Experience in 2023 in the United Kingdom and France.

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Semantic analysis: a crucial phase in processing data from qualitative studies

Focus group, individual interview, collection of feedback… The semantic analysis of qualitative studies makes it possible to extract the meaning of the results of these surveys.

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UX writing: what is it?

UX writing makes it possible to guide the user at each stage of their journey. By giving them the right information at the right time, we encourage them to perform the actions we want them to do.

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Testing UX Research with ChatGPT:  it's not there yet!

ChatGPT AI has emerged as a promising tool for UX research testing. However, it's important to understand its limitations and use it in conjunction with traditional research methods. In this article, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT AI for UX research testing.

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B2B UX research: examples, best practices and challenges

Let's talk B2B! Here are some of the challenges and solutions for conducting effective user research and testing for business-to-business digital products in various sectors such as beauty, transport, industrial manufacturing, and insurance services.

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UX for Good: eco-conception, accessibility, inclusivity, ethics

The UX for Good approach aims to design and develop
digital experiences for the benefit of users, companies and
society as a whole.

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What is Augmented Reality in e-commerce and can UX optimize it?

AR in e-commerce has the potential to enhance customer satisfaction and drive conversions. To fully realize its potential, it must be optimized through UX design principles for a seamless experience.

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Ferpect 2022 - Year in Review

For us it's all about helping you reach your goals by listening to real users. However, this year we also leaned heavily towards a second goal of ours - exploring and showing how UX For Good can benefit not only the society but also users and businesses alike.

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Creating a Culture of Feedback in a Liberated Company

As a liberated company, creating a strong culture of feedback is something Ferpection strives for constantly. Here are 5 lessons we have learned on our way to building a meaningful culture of feedback.

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10 Best UX Research Tools | Ferpection essentials

Discover the 10 best UX Research toolsaccording to our experts to carry out successful UX research projects.

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Gamification and UX: using gaming principles to enhance User Experience

Combining gamification and UX is the best way to guarantee that your users will go further in their use of your service and that they will also come out much more satisfied! How do you go about fostering loyalty without generating an addiction? Read the article to find out.

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Recruiting a UX Designer vs. a UX Agency: a 3 round competition

Between recruiting a salaried UX Designer or a specialized agency to take care of your development in user experience, which is the best choice? Which option will bring you the most serenity, but also positive results?

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How cognitive biases are used in UX Research

Are cognitive biases really the pet peeve of UX Research?
Human thought patterns, even if they deviate from the Truth with a capital T are they really a flaw? Here is our point of view as UX researchers.

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The Ergonomics of a Mobile Application: Best Practices

Intuitive ease of use goes hand in hand with simplicity and efficiency. Ergonomics does not go without usability. So what are the best practices to improve the ergonomics of a mobile application?

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How to Create a Persona | The Ferpection Method

How to create a persona? At a time when the user is more than ever at the center of companies' concerns, many of them realize the importance of writing a portrait of their customer archetype. We explain how to create a true-to-life persona by establishing concrete facts and mixing survey methods.

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The project roadmap, a must for your business

Efficient management of your projects requires the implementation of agile scoping methods. Planning, monitoring, optimizing productivity, that's what a project roadmap allows you to do. But how do you create an effective roadmap? We reveal everything in this article.

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How can a user testing agency help you?

Many companies embark on innovative projects and invest time and money in their projects. However, once on market, the response is bleak: a disinterested public, a product that is not very ergonomic, a difficult client experience, and the like. So how do you avoid failure and turn your bold idea into a real business success?

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Eco-design and UX: a winning formula for a successful user experience

Ecodesign and UX. These two words are becoming increasingly popular. But do we truly understand the underlying concept? The first question you should ask is: can digital technology be truly environmentally friendly and compatible with a quality user experience? At Ferpection we believe that yes, they are both compatible and complementary. But in concrete terms, what are they, how can they be implemented and, above all, what are the benefits ? 

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Becoming a UX Researcher | The complete guide

In recent years, the emergence of the web and new consumption modes have created new jobs. Among them, the UX researcher. But what does it exactly consist of? Learn everything you need to know thanks to this complete guide!

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UX Trends for 2022? Here's what the experts at Ferpection think

Technology is evolving rapidly, and today's emerging technologies will be tomorrow's must-haves. Which of the new user experience trends should you be watching closely in the coming years? Ferpection asked its experts what the major UX trends of 2022 are, and here are their answers.

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How to write the scenarios for a remote user test?

Interested in launching a remote user test? In this article, discover the various stages involved in writing user testing protocol and devising usage scenarios that will enable you to both achieve your objectives and build a better experience for your users.

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UX Questionnaire | How to choose the right one?

There are several UX questionnaires. But, how do you choose which one will best suit your needs between AttrakDiff, SUS, UMUX, NPS and Kano? At Ferpection, our experts have conducted an investigation. Here's what they have to say.

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How to test a mobile application, in 4 steps

When a company develops a mobile application, it has to fulfill several objectives and to do so, it is imperative to conduct UX tests at several stages of its design. In this article, we explain how to test a mobile application and exploit user feedback.

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How to set up a focus group: planning, organization, method

Organizing a focus group is not an easy task. Our guide opens the door to one of the most powerful research methodologies.

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B2B Testing of Your Corporate Clients: Keys to Success

Our clients are increasingly asking for user tests to survey their employees or B2B customers. Discover our practical guide to best practices in this area.

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Chatbot Test | Measuring the UX of a Conversational Agent

Discover all the steps that will allow you to test your chatbot and bring your user experience to a successful conclusion!

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Remote working: why did we give up our offices and what do we do now?

Ferpection has recently gone fully remote. A change that shakes things up: how do you maintain team cohesion? How do you keep communication flowing? How do you facilitate meetings or manage? Here's a look at our progress and what's still to come.

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How to analyze the results of a user test?

Analyzing the results of a user test may seem difficult, but with a bit of rigor and a little work, you can quickly become more comfortable and learn more about your users. To discover the main steps and how to avoid the pitfalls along the way, read our complete article on the subject!

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Discover the Best Usability Testing Checklist for Your Website

To ensure that your website is user-friendly, you need to perform a usability test for your website. And to achieve this, what's better than a usability testing checklist?

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Atomic Research | Decoding a User-centric Method

What is atomic research, what does this innovative UX method bring you, and why should you implement it in your company? Find out everything there is to know in this complete article!

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UX Benchmark: what are the trends for banking websites?

What are the best UX practices for banking websites? Find out the 4 main trends from our sector benchmark

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Which tool to use for your web and mobile prototypes?

Prototyping tools are more and more numerous on the market and it can happen to get lost. Overview of the most used tools

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Managing your team while working remotely

Telecommuting exacerbates a manager's challenges with their team. A look back at Ferpection's experience as a "remote by design" company

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Choosing Your Salary: New Salary Policy at Ferpection

In 2021, our employees chose their salary within our new salary policy and following their self-assessment.

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Become an international player in UX Research: how to build your capabilities and conduct global research?

How can you develop your team's international capacities? We explore this subject in 3 points illustrated by our experiences.

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Ferpection 2020 report as an infographic: beyond covid

Our infographic looking back on 2020 at Ferpection.

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International user research, what you need to know

Do you want to conduct your user research in countries outside your local market? Follow us for a first look at the specifics to take into account.

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Ferpection survey - Flat Design? Skeuomorphism? Which style for designing an interface

Design trends change regularly, but what do users think of them? Following a few definitions, we reveal the results of our survey to provide a clearer idea of ​​the strengths and weaknesses of each design.

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UX in China: how to leverage cultural difference through UX research and user tests

With our test platform now available in Chinese, we support you even better in understanding users in China and Hong Kong.

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8 tips for managers who want to work on relationships within their teleworking teams

Here are 8 tips, the fruit of our mistakes, for managers who want to work on relationships within their teleworking teams.

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Ideation workshops: 13 creativity exercises for your focus groups

13 group creativity techniques to use during your ideation workshops to generate insights during your user workshops or focus groups or simply your creativity sessions.

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How do employees feel about remote working?

How do employees experience the forced teleworking due to lockdown? Discover the main lessons from our qualitative study.

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User experience: what is a high-performance UX?

The key indicators to take into account to assess the performance of your UX.

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UX: how to go from face to face studies to remote studies?

Our advice for going from face-to-face UX studies to remote studies

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All about user research: qualitative and quantitative UX study

UX research is a determining element in the success of your service or product. Discover the different methodologies of qualitative and quantitative studies to provide a quality user experience.

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Design System: 100% consistent user experience

Today, design systems are on the rise. It's on everyone's mind and it is not always easy to know what is really behind it, what it brings and how to implement it in your business.

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Voice Assistants: example of testing and development of an app for L'Oréal

Are voice assistants the next revolution in customer experience? One can certainly imagine so. L'Oréal therefore chose to develop their Glow up application and test it with several influencers. Discover the context, methodology and learnings in the article below.

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Mobile App vs. Mobile Website: how does the user experience differ?

Website or mobile application, how to offer the best experience? We decided to conduct a user study to learn more about the experiences offered by mobile sites and applications.

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Lego Serious Play, play to collaborate and innovate together!

Playing to innovate in business? That's the objective of Serious Play! Here is an overview of this concept which brings together teams and boost creativity.

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Error management: a complete UX design guide to help your users survive through errors

We all make mistakes. So, UX design must deal with them! Yuna Orsini from shares her thoughts on this subject, which is too often overlooked.

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Conducting competitive benchmarks through users or why should you test your competitors' customer experience

Knowing the strengths and identifying mistakes not to repeat, these are two reasons to test the customer experience of your competitors. Check out the others in this article.

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Onboarding: first gut instincts are always right

After working for almost two years at Ferpection as a freelancer, I joined the team at the beginning of April as Customer Success Manager as part of my gap year.

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What does it mean to work 100% remotely at Ferpection?

With a quarter of our team working remotely full time and the others with the option to work remotely when they wish, it's safe to say that remote working is an integral part of our culture.

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How you influence the Ferpection platform

During our exchanges we regularly ask you for your feedback on our product. Here are some examples of how the platform is evolving to be closer to your needs.

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In-store user and omnichannel UX journey testing with Fnac Darty

Measuring user experience is not just for the digital world. Here is the proof with the Fnac Darty's customer testimony.

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How user tests fit into your project management process

There is a strong link between projects and user testing. But how do you get the most out of these two approaches? This article, written by our partner Skriv, tells you all about the subject.

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Customer knowledge - when user tests are no longer enough: do you really know your customers?

Romain Secco, Product Designer at Linxo, testifies to the articulation of user tests, quantitative analyses and qualitative studies

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Find the user research methodology that best suits your project and objectives

The most popular products are based on user research. But when, how, and what to do with this research? Here is a little game that will enlighten you (or not) on the subject!

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How to get figures for your quantitative study or survey?

Qualitative studies have a secret friend, it's the quantitative survey. The latter allows, among other things, to obtain important figures for your decisions.

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Carrying out user testing internally: eight obstacles, eight stages, eight pitfalls

Now more than ever, you need to be able to test your website and mobile applications as if you were in your users’ shoes, easier said than done !

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Is five users really enough for your usability tests?

EXPERT ARTICLE: for 25 years now, we've known that user testing can be carried out satisfactorily with five users. But is this still the right number?

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UX of conversational agents and chatbots: Crédit Agricole's testimonial on the conversational myth

The conversational myth: what do your users think? Or how Crédit Agricole is changing conversational agents by listening to customer expectations.

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Listen to users to avoid a 43% chance of your redesign projects failing

Would your prefer a 43% chance of failure or the certainty of knowing that you're launching an improved version of your website or mobile app? The answer seems obvious doesn't it? And yet…

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Why do 40% of businesses fail to test their website or mobile apps

Interesting in listening to the market's views, we asked 100 decision-makers from the digital sector about their approach to testing. What emerged was a picture of a contradictory situation, with practical obstacles on the one hand and undeniable benefits on the other.

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Have you found your first follower?

In 2016, an entrepreneur said to me: "Forty Ferpection clients in a year, that's great." The nice compliment aside, I'm often asked what we did to make such fast progress. I think this rapid start can be explained by a simple video (and nine lessons put into practice over these last 18 months).

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Why test with users? Ergonomics and beyond

Users are the sole arbiters of the success or failure of a website or mobile app. Through the ratings and reviews they leave on the app stores, they choose whether to encourage or discourage other potential users. And it's the same with a website: 62% of visitors will abandon it if they encounter browsing difficulties.

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Digital transformation: why you're getting it wrong

To avoid finding themselves in a tight spot over the medium to long term, increasing numbers of businesses are now beginning the process of digitally transforming themselves, and standing in the way of this process is a simple, basic question: How can you become more agile in your everyday work and management?

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Agile development? Test using the agile approach!

The process of redesigning your website has begun and you're planning to do it in agile mode. Whether it's being carried out internally or together with your web design agency, everything is ready and in place: the scrum master, the agile sprints, the test and learn approach. Or nearly everything that is. Because, bizarrely, you haven't planned as many tests as you have sprints.

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How do you test the experience of your store terminals?

Steps, methods and tips to test and optimize the user experience on your digital screens, smart windows and connected terminals in store.

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How to distribute and test your mobile application during the development phase?

Is it possible to test a mobile app while it's being developed? Yes! It's now simple and easy to make your app available to a community of testers, no matter whether it's on Android or iOS (or even Windows, which we won't be discussing in this article).

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Build your user testing roadmap along your product roadmap

You undoubtedly have a roadmap for your digital projects. However, have you thought about building a roadmap for your user testing, i.e. a discovery roadmap? 

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Successfully putting together wireframes to test your new website or mobile application

When launching a new digital project (whether a website, mobile application or new feature), there are always many uncertainties regarding the best way to proceed. The wireframe stage drastically reduces these uncertainties, thanks to prototypes and test users. In everyday language, we would simply call it a mock-up.

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How can the user experience for banking applications be improved?

At Ferpection, we conducted a study on websites and mobile applications in the banking sector. In this article, we will share with you what we've learned.

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Website redesign: User testing or A/B testing? Client testimonial.

User testing or AB testing when redesigning a website or an application? Tips and best practice from a client who tested early to learn early.

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Our pay scale now public in full transparency

In line with the principles of a liberated company, Ferpection shares the company pay scale with everyone. Ready to join us? 

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Peter Thiel's From Zero to One book review

Starting a global user experience platform like Ferpection is quite like exploring uncharted territories and that is why we were quite excited at the idea of reading "zero to one" by Peter Thiel.

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The Return on Investment of User Tests

User tests, do they give a good return? Our infographics provide insight on this topic.

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User testing of mobile apps: the 10 commandments

Are you about to test a mobile app? Ferpection guides you through the process with 10 bits of advice that will help you get the best out of your test.

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User Testing: What, When and How?

This time you are determined to actually run a user test. But how do you go about it? This article explores the basics of testing: what, when and how.

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How many users should you interview?

User tests help you make decisions by reducing the uncertainty around your site or mobile application. You need to conduct research among a sufficient number of users, but how many exactly?

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Why your mobile application does not reach 5 stars in the app stores

Customer ratings in the AppStore and Google Play are a key factor when someone decides to download your application. Ratings are necessary to the success of your app as they give a hint about the user experience and the service provided.

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Our community tested Inbox, the new app from Google

We recently asked our community to test the new app aiming at replacing Gmail: Inbox.Discover what we learnt from it. 

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The challenges of seducing users in a mobile first world

During the "Hubday Future of mobility” we presented the results of our research on seducing users in a mobile first world. 

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4 months of testing and optimisation

Only 4 months long, 201(4) wasa very short year. A lot happened during this time: we gathered a community of 1,832 awesome testers, collected 6,590 relevantfeedback while testing 30 different sites and mobile applications.

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Ferpection Manifesto for user value

We founded Ferpection to fight for the quality and value of the experiences of users on the Internet and mobile. 

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