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January 24, 2024

Ferpection 2023 report

2023 ends on a high note with the joy of joining the B Corp community, it was nevertheless also an emotional and transformative year. So, finish line or new starting line? Let's see it together!

Ferpection quality, diversity too

This year, we have regularly heard our customers tell us about the quality of work from Ferpection and this warms our hearts all the more because we must deliver this quality through a very wide diversity of methodologies, countries and skills, linked to responsible digital technology.

The revenge of the interviews

If Ferpection started as a “crowdtesting” platform, the trend has reversed this year with more than 50% of individual interview methodologies. Not that post-moderated user testing is off-topic, far from it. On the other hand, we are increasingly questioned on exploratory subjects and no longer simply evaluative ones (tests if you prefer). In addition, we continue to deliver other methodologies - surveys, focus groups, ethnographic, etc. - and also audits, training, team workshops, etc.

Always more international

In 2023, half of the study areas involved at least one country other than France. We have worked in 18 countries, 17 + France, in Europe, Asia and North and South America.
List of covered countries and associated UX methods

UX for Good© is taking off!

Responsible digital technology already represents 20% of our activity, whether through:

  • projects dedicated to accessibility, eco-design or inclusiveness,
  • specific UX for Good recommendations within “classic” projects.

Structuring cross-functional projects

A brand-new dashboard on our platform

In addition to being more pleasant, our new analysis report allows you to cross-reference data from several studies on several dimensions. Here are two examples from our data privacy prototypes:

The score given by users in several countries

Scores from Chinese, French and US users for a given remote usability test

User journey for a given “persona”, here young prospect women for a cosmetic brand:

User journey visualization by step

Notion: atomic knowledge?

If you are not familiar with the concept, it is a somewhat crazy collaborative tool, as if a wiki had acquired databases and an ERP dimension.
What we find fascinating about Notion is its ability to break down silos and reconcile data. Moreover, all the data that you have seen in this article, with the exception of our platform, comes from our Notion.
The way we have built it, we can at any time, for example, link the satisfaction of our customers to projects of course but also countries, partners, methodologies, etc.
Our action zone is a good example, where on a single page you find your:

  • tasks,
  • research projects for customers,
  • transversal projects,
  • team meetings agendas,
  • etc.
Thibault's action zone: tasks, UX projects, transversal projetcs, team meetings...

A community of certified freelancers

In 2023, we needed flexibility to cope with significant peaks in activity. We regularly received very good quality dossiers from freelancers. We therefore decided to structure an approach with, ultimately, the desire to create a real certification. For this year, here is what we have put in place with the idea of guaranteeing the Ferpection quality that we talked about in the introduction:

  • A dedicated and systematically executed process for each new freelancer.
  • An evaluation grid to identify relevant profiles according to missions and their contexts.
  • A framework contract so that everyone knows the rules of the game in advance ;)
  • Very detailed distribution of tasks based on the number of our collaborations.
  • A step-by-step guide to UX Research at Ferpection.
  • Deliverables templates.
  • Flat rate rates based on our knowledge of the projects.
  • 2-way feedback and customer-base evaluation of collaborations.

A growing societal commitment over the year

Following our participation in AFNOR's work on digital inclusiveness in 2022, we have embarked on a crescendo certification phase:

So, shall we stop there? Well, there is at least one more “1%” to be found in 2024… Can you guess what we have in mind?

A leading position on UX and its future

Always more expertise on our content

Among all the published content, we explored expert content like:

  • Augmented reality in e-commerce,
  • ChatGPT in writing test protocols,
  • The ROI of UX also presented in a conference at the EBG,
  • Web accessibility (look out, this one will come back in 2024!),
  • UX in the Middle East,
  • etc.
Some expert UX blog articles from 2023

Ferpection sponsor of the market leading events

This year, we proudly sponsored:

  • FLUPA UX Days,
  • The EBG Benchmark,
  • lesBigBoss events,
  • one-to-one retail/ecommerce Monaco.

And we have of course participated in many conferences, notably at the Printemps des Études and the GreenTech Forum of which here is the report.

Did you say R&D?

Finally, Ferpection continues its R&D activity, since its creation with our platform and for 7 years with the CIR system. In 2023, we have identified nearly 3,000 hours devoted to research.

Measuring team balance and workload

With all these projects the question of the workload and especially the overload of the teams arose. To do this, we have implemented a very simple measure to be able to position ourselves in “overload” for the week which ends and to review this at the start of the week. This indicator very quickly integrated our 6 key indicators in order to guarantee the longevity of the team.

UX for Good®, the best is yet to come

And yes, by working around responsible digital issues, we have decided to register our own UX for Good® brand! The reason is simple. We are in the process of creating a UX Research offer where we re-explore each stage of the value chain so that it better takes into account responsible digital aspects and projects your digital projects into a sustainable world.

Given everything that has happened this year, this seems crazy to write and yet, 2024 is indeed a new beginning with even more transformative projects.

Until then, contact us to discuss your projects of UX.

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Thibault Geenen

Thibault Geenen

Thibault is fascinated by the power of UX, especially user research and nowadays the UX for Good principles. As an entrepreneur, he's a huge fan of liberated company principles, where teammates give the best through creativity without constraints. A science-fiction lover, he remains the only human being believing that Andy Weir's 'The Martian' is a how-to guide for entrepreneurs.

Starting a user research project? Contact us